
Garlic hands for the future
I want to share a very simple recipe, harvesting garlic arrows for future use. This paste can be added to meat, fish in various sauces. Adding butter, we get fragrant, beautiful emerald green oil and garlic. Besides, it is absolutely alive vitamins.


  • Garlic

    500 g

  • Salt

    0.5 tsp

  • Vegetable oil

    1.5 Tbsp


The garlic hands a good wash and remove the tough part. How to do an arrow will tell you herself. The soft part of the arrow breaks off well when pressed, and already the rough part just zalamyvayutsya. Then put on a paper towel to remove excess moisture.
When the hands dry, cut them arbitrarily.
In the bowl of a blender, the arrows to the garlic add salt, vegetable oil and all grind.
Got this beautiful emerald green paste.
To put the resulting paste into a container and place in freezer. All! Stored pasta as you want (we have it for a long time do not lie!). Add wherever your heart desires. This paste is a great seasoning for dishes, decoration or garnish to meat or fish, if its a stew with vegetables. As to how any flavorful sauce, if you add a spoonful of our pasta. Also it can be add in butter and various spreads.
And we really like it spread the twist of bacon with the garlic paste out of arrows. Soup or soup, just mind otesh! Try it, it's delicious!
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