
Holiday cookies
Ask yourself, why this name? No, we are not talking about drinking 50 grams... the Thing is that the preparation of this aromatic crunchy biscuits we only need 4 product at 50 grams! Here's how just! Interested???? Come on seagulls...


  • Honey

    50 g

  • Sugar

    50 g

  • Butter

    50 g

  • Flour

    50 g


On the website I found this design cookies. But it's totally different recipes! I offer on your court! To start, mix the honey with sugar.
The melted butter added to the mixture of sugar honey. Thoroughly stir!
And the last ingredient - flour.
It's very soft dough, which we put in an hour or two in the fridge.
The dough has hardened a bit. With a spoon spread the dough on the baking tray lined with baking paper. Spoon dip in water to flatten the dough. Put the pan in a preheated 180 degree oven. Bake cookies until slightly Golden! It takes less than 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare small slips of paper on which to write wishes relatives and friends for the holidays.
The cookies immediately remove from the baking sheet. Caution: HOT! Cookies are very soft. Put a piece of paper with a wish inside cookie and bent. I made the "Tiles": it is warm cookies laid out on a rolling pin or bottle, left to cool. You can decorate with almonds.
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