
Lush milkshake with honey aroma and slight acidity of black currant. A recipe shared with me friend. I decided to make and now share with you!


  • Black currants

    100 g

  • Milk

    1 cup

  • Honey

    1.5 Tbsp


Milk pour into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Add to milk honey and stir. The resulting honey-milk mixture put into the fridge, as soon as the pan stops vapor.
Meanwhile, let us berries. Black currants washed.
Cleaned every berry from the stalk.
Wipe berries through a sieve. A blender or fine grater will not work, so how mush we need no berry skins. A bowl with the currant sauce is also put in the refrigerator.
20 minutes milk mixed with honey, will be cold enough berry puree also cools and slightly thickens. Remove both containers from the refrigerator. If the milk formed foam, remove it, it is no use to us. Now slowly pour the milk into the bowl with the berry puree. And at the same time start very quickly stir so the milk does not curdle. Better in this step to use a mixer.
Pour all into small cups (should be well chilled). And how to decorate - you can think of. In this case many of you where a lot more creative than me :-D) good Drink that does not lose the fluffiness 5-7 minutes unlike many milkshakes, which are deposited almost immediately after preparation.
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