
Homemade pomegranate liqueur
What could be better than drinking homemade liquor in a circle of friends? Greece accepted all guests to buy liquor, and if you came to visit, then immediately the threshold, the hostess pours a glass of this drink.


  • Vodka

    500 ml

  • Garnet

    500 g

  • Cinnamon

  • Carnation

    3 piece

  • Sugar

    1 cup

  • Water

    1 cup


Clean grenades, put them in a jar or large bottle with a lid, pour the vodka. Add cinnamon and cloves, a day get more we don't need them. Leave the jar for a week so that her sunlight was shining.
After a week, strain the vodka, and the grains are placed in a blender and grind them. All mix again. Tightly close the jar and leave for 3 days.
Filter the drink through several layers of cheesecloth. Repeat this every day until, while on the bottom the banks will not remain a residue (it took me 10 days).
As soon as the drink is cleaned, cook the syrup. Sugar water boil on medium heat for 5 minutes and leave to cool completely. Add the syrup to the vodka and mix well. Tightly close the bottle and put in a dark place for 2 weeks.
Ready. Drink to health, but not get carried away.
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