
A bouquet of cupcakes
This bouquet can be gift or use as a festive table decoration.


  • Cream

  • Vanilla cupcake


For the preparation of the bouquet will need to first of all do cupcakes and accessories. The recipe for the cupcakes can be any. The cream is to choose one that will not melt and will hold the shape. To make a rosette on the cupcakes, I used a nozzle "star".
In the center of the cupcake squeeze the cream from the pastry bag and make a circle clockwise.
Now where are fastened cupcakes. I used a glass vase. You can take a beautiful flower pot. Then inside of the vase poured some water and set the flower down. Foam made something like a circle or a triangle with rounded corners. Wrapped the foam with paper of suitable color. This circle is put on the vase, so he stayed and did not fall.
For fixing cupcakes will need toothpicks. Each cupcake is mounted on 2 toothpicks. So, alternating kakaki and some jewelry, when you use them ( mine is just tape), to form a bouquet.
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