
Tomato home for the winter
Yes, that's me)! The year was silent, I always forgot... But then decided to talk!))) I was surprised when the search found on your favorite site recipes tomato. Maybe bad looking? Yeah, I canned the tomato itself. And it's not just tomato juice. As tasty, nourishing, spicy tomato sauce. It is perfect for the Ukrainian borsch, Hungarian goulash or any gravy. Try it! With this tomato impossible to cook good to eat!)))


  • Tomato

    5 kg

  • Pepper

    300 g

  • Carrots

    300 g

  • Parsley

    1 coup

  • Salt

  • Bay leaf

  • Black pepper


Most importantly in tomato sauce? Of course, tomatoes! Now dispel the prevailing myth that delicious tomato sauce is only made from selected tomatoes. No, actually, no! Most Ukrainians prepare a tomato sauce from those tomatoes that won't fit, they are flattened, soft, in need of pruning. The main thing is to see that among cooked with tomatoes tomatoes have a juicy vegetable varieties.
So, washed tomatoes cut into large slices and grind. Take the device with which You prefer to work with: food processor, meat grinder. Grind the tomatoes put on a slow fire. I think it is worth mentioning that the tomato can be cooked only in the enameled ware in order to prevent the oxidation process.
Meanwhile, prepare supporting vegetables. They will fill our tomato taste, aroma and spice. I usually add carrots, sweet pepper. Greens take only traditionally parsley.
Carrots grate on a fine grater, bell pepper cut into half rings. Finely chopped herbs. After about half an hour of quiet boil tomatoes, add carrot and sweet pepper. Salt to taste (not much! we don't know what we will be useful later this tomato). And, of course, a mandatory attribute - Bay leaf and black pepper. Here, too, orientirueshsya to your taste. For example, I don't like Bay leaf. But without it, the tomato is not a tomato.))) But because I put leaves a little pre-breaking them into small pieces. But with pepper I don't stand on ceremony - put more.
After laying the vegetables in the throes of a tomato about 15 minutes. Now it can pour into banks and roll. Separately want to say about preparing the jars. I always sterilized. Of course, after washing (it is better not to use any detergents, except sodium). And while banks are sterilized, I boil the lids. Rolled up in this dish the tomato will stand as much as You want.
Yes, with semi-homemade tomato need to Tinker. But believe me, the result is worth it! As a little announcement. Soon I will tell You how I canned another kind of tomato - paprika.
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