
Ladies, want to offer you awesome appetizer to white guilt. I wanted to create something-a kind, and I made this cute spring improvisations - crispy, Golden base... chicken with cranberry-honey sauce and a juicy fragrant plum, all of it sprinkled with nuts... mmm... gorgeous appetizer!!! Come on in, help yourself!!!


  • The dough is flaky yeast

    400 g

  • Chicken breast

    400 g

  • Drain

    3 piece

  • Cranberry

    2 Tbsp

  • Honey

    1 Tbsp

  • Mustard

    1 tsp

  • Walnuts

    3 Tbsp

  • Butter

    50 g


For starters, we need such products.
Chicken breast boil in salted water, cool. To make the sauce: cranberries are defrosted, crush with a rolling pin, add the honey and mustard, mix well.
Roll the dough into a square layer thickness of 0.5 cm, cut into 3 equal strips. Strips cut into triangles.
Molds lubricated, put them in triangles so that the wide edge peeped a little, and the sharp point of the triangle hanging down, slightly press. Sprinkle a spoonful of the sauce... that's it.
The sauce spread out sliced chicken breast.
Put half of the plums.
The sharp end of dough to roll and loop in the middle of each loop put a piece of butter.
Sprinkle this creation chopped walnuts. Let stand for 30 minutes. Then put in the preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
Spring improvisation done! I assure you - it's delicious! My family and guests were just in awe. Delicious, festive and beautiful... but with muscatel wine... super!!! Good snacks both hot and cold.
But razrezik and savory! Bon appetit!
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