
On the street summer, heat, season of vacations, barbecue and soft drinks. "Panache" (or "Radler") is one of the most simple and delicious low alcohol cocktails.


  • Beer

    250 ml

  • Lemonade

    250 ml


We need a bottle of light beer and a bottle of lemonade. Beer can be both light and dark. And lemonade of any lemon, orange, Sprite or prepared by you at home. Most importantly, do not replace it with energy drinks (from their mixture with alcohol, the consequences would be unpleasant).
Pour beer into the cold mug to half and add to the complete amount of lemonade.
The ratio of beer and lemonade may vary depending on your taste. In European countries there are different variations of this cocktail. Including "dark Radler": a dark beer with "Coca-Cola". Well, very lazy you can buy ready "Panache" (bottle pictured), but then you have to sacrifice the pleasure of his cooking :-) PS Consume in moderation.
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