
Rabbit with rice fruit sauce
I like to combine meat with fruits and different herbs, so now looking at the part of the carcass of the rabbit, itself started to develop the recipe. With sour cream and vegetables - have become boring I want sour-sweet-spicy and low in calories. Who's with me? I hope not to disappoint :) you can Cook without a slow cooker.


  • Rabbit

    550 g

  • Figure

    1 cup

  • Onion

    1 piece

  • Apple

    1 piece

  • Orange

    1 piece

  • Garlic

    2 tooth

  • Ginger

    1 tsp

  • Black pepper

    0.5 tsp

  • Soy sauce

    3 Tbsp

  • Rosemary

    1 pinch

  • Cumin

    1 pinch

  • Bay leaf

    1 piece

  • Feijoa

    1 Tbsp

  • Vegetable oil

    2 Tbsp

  • Dry white wine

    0.75 cup

  • Greens

  • Butter

    1 Tbsp


The preparation time excluding the marinating of the rabbit. Rabbit wash, dry, cut into portions. Folded into a bowl, add onion half-rings, rosemary, black pepper, Bay leaf and soy sauce. Stir and leave for an hour or more.
Rabbit meat fry in oil, pre-shaking off the bow. Put in a bowl multivarki, put the onion, which was marinated meat. Fry 10 minutes in hot, not covering it. Then add 1/2 Cup of boiling water, a little salt, cover and simmer for 1 hour.
Apple peel, cut into slices and fry until soft in the same pan, where roasted rabbit.
Part of the apples on a platter, in a pan add grated ginger, garlic, pureed with sugar feijoa, orange juice and wine, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, boil until thick mass.
Punching blender until smooth. Try... I like it! Pickle sauce is not necessary, but the thrill can add the jalapeno, I only need a ginger spice.
Boil the rice on low heat for 25-35 minutes at a ratio of 1:2.5. Add salt to taste. The rice should absorb all the water. At the end of cooking add the orange pulp slices, he should not lose form and 1 tbsp butter. On a flat plate spread the cooked hot rice and a side of rabbit, next pour the sauce, put slices of apples, decorate with greens.
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