
Infusion of herbs Alpine
Very pleasant to the taste infusion based on mint and eucalyptus. Essential oils of mint and eucalyptus have antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect. Irreplaceable in the prevention and treatment of colds. Warm and reassuring on cold winter days. The idea to prepare this collection brought me the tea products of the company "Lipton".


  • Mint

    65 g

  • The sheet of wood

    25 g

  • Black tea

    10 g


For cooking any herbal first need to dry the plants collected. Peppermint, used part of the plant - the leaves of Eucalyptus, used part of the plant - the leaves There are certain rules of plant raw material drying in order to preserve all the accumulated nutrients. Peppermint and eucalyptus are plants that contain essential oils. Essential oils are volatile, so when drying essential oil raw material cannot be spread in a thin layer or exposed to high temperatures. Raw materials containing essential oils, dried placing it in a thick layer, at a temperature of 25-30 °C. in a dry ventilated area protected from sun and drafts. The formation of essential oils continues, and the dried raw material it will be greater than in the fresh plant. The method of drying of raw materials affects the content and quality of essential oil.
Treated dried plant. Separate the leaves from the stems. Remove diseased parts of the plant. The leaves grind them. At home you can do it with scissors. Weigh the required quantity. Muddle the mint and eucalyptus.
For final mixing and grinding use the nozzle of a blender. Grind herbs until smooth. The particle size should not be too small. 2-3mm. it is Better if the size will match the size of tea You want to prepare tisane.
The resulting collection is added tea (black). Stir until smooth. To store this tea gathering in a tightly closed jar in a cool, dry place. The maximum storage time is 2 years.
The infusion is prepared at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons collection in 500ml of boiling water. Insist it takes about 4-6 minutes. (Like regular tea.) Pour the infusion in the cups better through a tea strainer. To improve the taste you can add honey or sugar. Enjoy your tea!
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