
This recipe my mother brought into the house in times of endless deficits. Mayonnaise is a shortage of raisins – deficit... not to mention the prunes. And since then, even gone are the days of deficits, this recipe we have firmly caught. This "prune" is good and toppings cakes, and for cakes, and quick dessert, and even meat.


  • Drain

    8 kg

  • Sugar

    2 kg

  • Water

    200 ml

  • Vinegar

    200 ml


The drain needs to be – the Hungarian. I have it this year is not large, because of the abundance on the branches. As usual, plum wash, drain water, put in a bucket, and the bucket needs to be cover, for easy draining of the syrup.
Made of sugar, water and vinegar, boil the syrup, the pan should be fairly deep, in my 5L. And I'm usually in my the end of cooking plums, at this time, I just cover it with a lid and set aside, as it will often have to boil the syrup.
Pour the hot syrup over plums, and wait for the coolant drain.
At first, until a little syrup, plums cool for two hours. And again pour the syrup, and boil it. (this year I did drain 2.5 servings)
But, be WARNED, the first time, it will be med and will be a little difficult to merge it. So, I put the bucket on a chair, and put the bottom of the pan, gently tilt and hold the lid, not to run away plum.
So to do 25 times. Drain the syrup, boil, pour, cool, etc. This procedure, as I am a homely person, do three times a day - morning, afternoon, evening. If not, then twice.
Each time, the syrup will become more and more. Plums to shrink in size and begin to shrink, turning into "prunes". In the end, plum to spread out in sterile jars, pour hot syrup and roll up. Such plums are excellent stored in the pantry.
Here is an example of a fast dessert: Remove pits from plums inside to put a nut on top of the whipped cream with sugar, add cottage cheese, sprinkle with coconut, nuts or chocolate, and... you Can buy a friend a Cup of coffee with a delicate dessert! Or even yourself a treat.
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