The recipe for this dish was posted on the website in 2008 by user Tatra called "Onion soup with cabbage", and is illustrated with me in the framework of "Coloring". Thick, but at the same time, a light soup, a cross between onion soup and vegetable Russian cabbage soup. And the addition of lemon makes it special and original. A good option for variety lunch menu for those on diet and for those who are fasting.
10 piece
500 g
100 ml
1 piece
1 l
5 piece
1 piece
3 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
I must say that I was making a soup out of the norm ingredients. Get 3 normal servings of soup. Prepare the products. Onion cut into small cubes.
I carrots rubbed on a coarse grater.
Take the pan (or pot) with a thick bottom, preferably. It heated the oil, leaving a few tablespoons for roasting of flour. Fry onions in butter, stirring constantly. Do not let the onions burn!!! Fry the onion until translucent and light brown colour - it will become soft and it leaves a bitterness.
Fill the onions with water, bring to a boil, add the cabbage, stir, bring back to a boil, add carrots, Bay leaf, pepper and salt to taste. Bring to a boil and cook to readiness on slow fire under a cover. I have cooked until tender, the soup is a little less than 15 minutes.
In a pan heat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and, stirring constantly, fry it in flour before the characteristic smell of roasted nuts. More precisely, can't write, as you feel that smell, you'll understand. Add the flour to the soup, stir, bring to a boil and remove from heat. I gave the soup to sit for another 5 minutes.
When serving, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and add a Cup of lemon juice in each bowl. Lemon juice changes the taste of the soup, makes it more interesting and slightly sour. I.e. I tried without the lemon, but with lemon I liked a lot more.
The soup turns thick in consistency reminded me of eintopf, i.e. it can be used successfully and dinner. And yet, despite the fact that the soup without meat, loved it even my husband than I was extremely surprised. )
Действительно вкусный суп.Честно говоря неожидала.Спасибо за рецепт
и для фигуры. добавила больше воды, чтобы не был слишком густым - не пожалела. с лимоном действительно вкуснее, а укроп для аромата обязателен!
приятный суп, полезен и для пищеварения,
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