
Almost all know that people can survive without water not more than 3-4 days. But perhaps not everyone knows that water helps a lot to prolong the years of life. But very few people have the opportunity to obtain it from the purest of mountain glaciers. Of course, we filtered and boiled, and go for it on springs. But the healing water can be done at home. You only need a little bit of effort. The time is specified only spent.


  • Water

    1 l

  • Water


Take any quantity of water. As long as she could then placed in the freezer. Pour into an enamel pan or heat-resistant glass. Without closing the lid, bring ALMOST to a boil and immediately remove. But do not boil.
Close the lid and put in cold water to quickly cool.
Cooled the pot to put in the freezer. Can be put only on the shelf with the vegetables. Neither meat nor fish is not recommended. The first ice is formed around the impurities that are in water. This grit, clay, etc. So after 4 - 5 hours we take the pan and remove all accumulated ice. Then put it in the freezer for 10 - 12 hours.
We got a monolith. First, the pan should briefly leave at room t. Then remove the ice and rinse it under running water.
It is necessary to remove the water contained in the admixtures are in the process of freezing they are collected on the surface and form the center of muddy yellow island. It is necessary to wash off. Sometimes the water freezes and forms a mound. Then once the ice is spinning and is easily removed we wash. Because impurities are drained to the bottom.
The rest of the ice put back in the pan and thawed at room t to the state, on the surface of the water remained separate ice.
Now it is ready for use. It tastes as if You were chewing on an icicle. This water is stored in the refrigerator up to 10 days.
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