
Cooking eggs in a microwave
Poached egg for 40 seconds, and boiled for a minute? Is this possible? - YES! Use a microwave! A minimum of time and dirty dishes! It's that simple! And, importantly for serving, egg get a perfect shape without any additional equipment!


  • Chicken egg

    1 piece

  • Vinegar

    0.5 tsp

  • Water


In a bowl suitable for microwave, pour half a teaspoon of vinegar. It is needed so that egg did not go flakes.
Boil water.
Pour boiling water to the middle of the bowls.
Carefully break the egg.
And put in microwave at full capacity. For the poached eggs - on 40секунд for hard boiled eggs - for a minute.
To get out with a slotted spoon.
This is the water that remains, as I see the flakes, but they are small.
Here's the poached egg :)
But hard boiled :)
Depending on power of microwave time may vary. My microwave power 850Вт. The most important thing - not to overdo, because the egg sticks to the walls of the bowls and boiling at the bottom (between the egg and the bottom) is full and if you overdo the egg just flies out of the bowls. Conclusion - it is better to nethergate in the microwave, but a little bit left in the bowl of hot water, the egg will gradually reach the status of a steep slope :-D In General, everything comes with experience :) by the Way, you can cook multiple eggs, but when they pryatatsya slightly, careful to hold the fork between the walls of the bowls and eggs to avoid the explosion! If you increase the number of eggs should increase the time of cooking them in the microwave. And yet - the cooking time depends not only on the quantity but also the temperature of the eggs. Good luck!
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    Светлана Михеева

    Омлет хорошо в микроволновки получается. А это рецепт прочитала, думала приготовить, потом за микроволновку испугалась. После описания.)

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