We are all accustomed to the fact that summer refreshing drink prepared from fruits and berries! You cannot imagine how delicious and refreshing it turns out Limonad with cucumber juice!!! Try it - delicious with sugar and without sugar. And will be a great thirst-quenching drink for those who like a refreshing drink prepared by their own hands!
The juice of a freshly squeezed
0.5 cup
1 piece
1 piece
1 cup
1 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
3 cucumber slice, 2 sprigs of tarragon chop. Put them in the bowl of a blender and grind
From the resulting mass squeeze the juice. I came up with 1/2 Cup
Lime also squeeze the juice
In a jug put the sprigs of parsley (or tarragon), cucumber slices, and pour this also cucumber and lime juice
Add ice cream and sugar to taste ( I made without sugar). Pour up to 1 litre of drinking water (carbonated or not - decide)
For beauty and contrast in the jug, you can add chili pepper
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