My family loves chanterelles. In the summer, when in full swing collecting those delicious mushrooms, we try to prepare them for winter as much as possible. How? Yes, we just fry them...
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Chanterelles and fingered very thoroughly washed in two or three waters. Spread on a pan. Do not add oil, as the mushrooms let the juice. Salt. Evaporate all the water.
Now, when all moisture evaporates, add the butter, firmly doselevel and fry until fully cooked. While the mushrooms are roasting, thoroughly sterilize and dry jars and lids.
Cooked mushrooms put in jars, tightly ramming. The rest of the oil evenly pour in jars. In a pan heat the pork fat. I use store bought. This.
Hot fat poured our mushrooms.
All. You can Unscrew the lid. Love roll - Yes please! There is no difference. Now wrap the jars warm, but NOT TURN!!!
Here's what we got!!! Banks as well are stored in the basement and in the apartment in the closet until next season (we took so long to stagnate). And in winter, with hot potatoes or soup - well, just delicious!!! When cooking do not forget that the mushrooms we are a little overdone. Yes, I almost forgot. 3 liters of mushrooms turns out two half-liter jars. Bon appetit!
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