
If you had the chance, I would start the description of the recipe with a smiley with a big smile! In search of beauty, I stumbled upon this recipe. To say that the Estonians surprised me, to say nothing. I thought I will cook Yes I will share with you my favorite cooks. In short, I began the process, and how it ended - see and surprise. (The two verbs with the same set of letters)))


  • Potatoes

    1 kg

  • Pearl barley

    100 g

  • Water

    1 l

  • Onion

  • Vegetable oil

  • Salt

  • Black pepper


Start slowly. Measure out 100 grams of barley. I've got a pearl barley TM Mistral (tell you a secret, it turns out more tender, IMHO). Wash it thoroughly, soak for 12 hours is in the original recipe. I waited only 11 hours, I don't think reducing the time on the hour something has changed.
Peel the potato. It in its pure form should be 1 kg. Seeing the number on the scale, I realized that all I can do! )) I do not customized specifically for your weight, not cut potatoes and not added. Threw in the last small bowl of potatoes and BINGO! Exactly 1000 grams! Hallelujah! How could I not capture?!
Well, until, like, fun. Went on. In the recipe - coarsely chop the potatoes, put the pearl barley. Nate, please. And so they did. What? Barley quietly falls to the potatoes. I am calm, according to the recipe after preparing. (To himself already thinking, well at least the products are inexpensive, will not throw a pity)
Go ahead. "Pour one liter of water." Ha, easy! I know that after all water barley wash down. Well, duh, not all washed away, much amazing! Next corny - salt, and bring to a boil and cook on a slow fire until the water has evaporated. In the end I spent half an hour cooking with the lid closed, then open until, until the water disappears from the surface. Further to its logical end, - the upper classes can not, the lower classes do not want.
While cooking our mallipudi we'll do the frying onions. Imagining that heaven awaits me from eating mullipotana (mallipudi?) I, instead of the planned three bulbs, resolutely took four. (Nakraynyak dogonews onions with bread))) I Love onions cut thin half-rings. But looking into the pot with my brew began to cut medium cubes. So it will be appropriately. Roasted onions on a live crude oil with a good dose of black pepper. Of course salt. (The letters C and M near. Type "salt" and see, "prayed". Ochepyatka, but not quite. I really prayed that something happened and that I hadn't received from her. They sit, waiting for food, naive)))
So our mullapudi dear beloved approached. Hello, ture! Oh, sorry, You are ture, You have the same major pieces of bolthouse. Well, come to me, my sweet peach, I will make you a softy!
Took the spoon (so the recipe should be, not my doing) and began to mash the potatoes on the walls of the pan. Hles-ples, hles-ples... lo and Behold, I turica our began to get a creamy consistency. "Uh, where are you going, with a snout in Kalashny number?!" And mangipudi me in response: "Rude, mother! We, foreigners, have long been in your markets, do not go!" About as direct sup. Ah, so! Come alive on the plate. I gave birth to you, I'll kill! Am, and ate it. Here and fairy tales end, and who listened - well done!
It's only fairy tales end, but reality continues. The fish accompanied the recipe was nothing, and I really wanted kalecki spicy bit of sugar! But in the house of the Baltic was only a sprat. And so they all together sang, I want to tell you, that's what relatives! )) The husband, when with half an ear I heard that is preparing, once said: "Puisqu eat, and barley will not!" Ha! Dream on! - Thank you! says. - It was good. - How does it taste? - I say - delicious. - And how barley? - No, I barley did not, I puree! Ha ha ha! Won mangipudi!
So stating a fact: mullapudi happened. It turned out not only edible but even tasty. With spicy onions - generally a song. And don't forget that inexorably approaching lent. So you will have to continue to prepare that multi-console? And, no, mangipudi!
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