Recently, thanks to the contest, "hooked&am p;quot; for recipes Laura Calder, a leading cooking show "French food at home". The recipes are for simple housewife: cheap, not time consuming and home-made hearty and delicious. It is believed that a good French chef should know not less than 100 recipes for cooking eggs. There is an opinion that a real French chef in the first place, should be able to make an omelet. The village omelet is a dish from Central France (Auvergne). He is not so much for Breakfast, but rather for a warming dinner on a cold evening. "Highlight" of the recipe is that all the products are fried separately, and finally incorporate the egg. (information from Internet)
50 g
0.5 piece
1 tooth
1 piece
100 g
1 Tbsp
2 piece
1 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
When cooking there is no need to adhere strictly to the number of ingredients, perform only a specified proportion. Take bacon, cut into thin strips and fry in a pan.
Once the bacon will mytopics, throws it on a paper napkin.
To the remaining fat from the bacon add 1 tablespoon of butter and finely cut diced onions.
Fry the onion until soft, add finely cut garlic. Fry all together for 1 minute.
Remove the onions and garlic on a plate.
In the remaining pan fat pour balsamic vinegar and evaporate (depositum).
Add butter and olive oil.
Add salt, pepper and fry until Golden brown until done.
Add to the potatoes fried with bacon, onion and garlic.
Eggs stir with a fork with salt and pepper.
Omletes pour the mixture over the potatoes. Fry until cooked.
Serve at once, hot. When serving, sprinkle with optional herbs. Bon appetit!
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