Autumn is the season of the most fresh vegetables and fruits, so, girls, today we will cook a true source of beauty and health. A long winter – bears fatten the fat and we'll stock up on natural vitamins, correct health and also drop excess fat.
0.5 Tbsp
1 cup
3 piece
1 piece
1 tsp
1 Tbsp
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Here from such a wonderful set of products we will make the miracle drink.
First brew green tea. Already feeling a double benefit - tea and juice, especially tea with blueberries! You know that the blueberries in the dry form retains all its nutrients, and it won many: blueberries 100 g contain 86.5 g of water, 1.1 g protein, 8.6 g carbohydrates, 2.2 g dietary fiber, 1.2 g of free organic acids; 51 mg potassium, 6 mg sodium, 16 mg calcium, 6 mg magnesium, 13 mg phosphorus, 7.0 mg iron, 0.9 mg of copper, manganese, cobalt, Nickel; 0.01 to 0.02 mg of vitamins B1 and B6 0.30 mg, vitamin PP, 10 mg of vitamin C, some vitamin e, Pantothenic acid. Well, about the benefits of green tea we all know improves digestion, improves the work of the gall bladder, liver, duodenum, pancreas, normal vital activity of the intestinal microflora. It invigorates, strengthens immune system, relieves drowsiness, improves alertness, strengthens the nervous system, improves memory, normalizes metabolism. Improves the cardio-vascular system. Helps with hypertension, lowers cholesterol in blood, normalizes adrenal function, is a good preventive and therapeutic agent for infectious diseases, prevents fatty liver, helps reduce weight. But that's not all! One reveal the secret later...
Next, peel the beets and ginger, wash the carrots and pass through a juicer. In a glass of juice, take three carrots and half a beet and 1 cm of ginger. A little (not a lot... again) let me remind you about the benefits of juice. Fresh carrot juice is rightly called a natural balm that enhance the immune system, normalizing metabolism and aiding in bringing the body weight to normal. And that's not all useful properties of carrot juice. In fresh carrot juice contains iron, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine and cobalt, nitrogen and flavonoid compounds. Vitamin A (carotene) in natural form in him more than in any other product. Strengthens the nervous system and increases the protective functions of the body. Carrot juice improves digestion, has beneficial effects on the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and all glands of the body. Brightens skin, eliminates its dryness. The tooth structure is also improving under the influence of carrot juice. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to systematically use carrot juice, which improves the biological properties of milk, saturating it with active minerals that strengthen the immune system of the child. Useful to drink carrot juice during and after taking antibiotics, as it reduces their toxic effect on the body. Improve eyesight and complexion, relieves fatigue, increases appetite, strengthens nails and hair. This is all great anti-aging properties. Vitamin a (carotene) contributes to the value of this product, is fat-soluble vitamin. Therefore, we will add the vegetable oil and a spoonful of sour cream. Beet juice is the most valuable juice for formation of red blood cells and improve blood at all. It is a powerful cleansing tool that should be entered in the carrot juice a little bit. The most positive feature of beets is that the beet contains more than 50% of sodium and only 5% of calcium. This is the perfect ratio to cleanse the blood vessels. The calcium content of beets provides overall nourishment to the cells of the body, and chlorine is a cleanser of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, stimulating activities lymph throughout the body. Included in the beet juice - manganese, iodine, zinc, and copper influence the metabolism in the body, strengthens the processes of hematopoiesis and functions of the genital glands. Zinc is indispensable for myocardial infarction, it increases the effect of insulin to enhance visual acuity it is also needed. Potassium is necessary for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system (to strengthen capillaries), hypertension (lowers blood pressure), atherosclerosis (promotes relaxation in vasospasm).
Now mix the strained tea and juice. Do not forget to get tea blueberries and add to the mixture. By the way, the mixture of carrot and beet juice is the best natural hematopoietic drug. It stimulates the formation of red blood cells, improves memory, especially in atherosclerosis, dilates blood vessels. This juice should be taken during heavy menstruation with the onset of menopause. It is much more effective than the use of drugs. Now the main thing - according to some studies, the addition of a small amount of citrus juice to green tea significantly increases the efficiency of the contained powerful antioxidants – catechins. Adding lemon juice increases the activity of the last five times. We will do that by adding lime juice to our tea and vegetable cocktail! Add the butter, keeping in mind that vitamin a is fat-soluble. Still whisking, pour into glasses and enjoy the taste and get a boost of energy, vitamins, health!
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