
Cocktail tea
There are rules of tea brewing. But we all know that rules are made to be broken. And when brewing tea the traditional way gets a little boring, you can come up with a new method. Offer to make tea is not only delicious and healthy (we know about the benefits of green tea are many), but delicious and healthy doubly, plus the original.


  • Apple

    70 ml

  • Garnet

    70 ml

  • Cranberry

    70 ml

  • Water

    50 ml

  • Tea bags

    1 pack

  • Lemon

    1 Tbsp


Prepare or get ready the juice from the apples. We need 70мл.
The same (70мл) we need fresh pomegranate juice. Prepare or get ready. Here http://www.povarenok .ru/recipes/show/679 79/ for details on how you can prepare juice quickly and effortlessly! Thank you, Larochka stall!
Now prepare cranberry juice. Grind cranberries using a blender and strain the juice through cheesecloth or fine strainer. It (juice), we need to also 70мл.
All the juices mix in a saucepan and add there another 50ml of water. Heat until it bubbles, but do not boil!
In a Cup pour 1st. L. lemon juice.
Pour in a Cup of our hot cocktail of juices. And drop there a tea bag of green tea Hyleys/Helis with chamomile.
Give a little brew. And that's all! To taste you can add honey or sugar. But we also know that honey is much more useful...
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