If you decide to find in the Internet the worst soup in the world, among other search engine will give you Japanese soup, Shirako (literally "white children"). Why very healthy soup called terrible? Just because it is prepared from fish ROE. And the drafters of the "terrible" ratings write a soup made of fish semen is a nightmare! You think so too? Then this recipe is not for you. I have a very positive attitude to Molokan and no fear of Shirako have not experienced. I shoveled a lot of the Internet, but the recipe for this soup was never found. By collecting the crumbs of information about this soup, I finally made it. Now, scullion is the first Russian culinary site that hosts the recipe of Japanese soup "of Shirako". Are you ready to see one of the most horrible soups?
300 g
1 slice
1 sprig
0.5 coup
2 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
In the Internet, most often was written, that Shirako prepared from the milt of cod. In the absence of such, I used salmon ROE. We are sold in frozen form. So. Milk defrost, remove the film, most importantly the Central cord (I have no idea how that thing called milt along the middle stretches "plenteously" thread). The photo on the left shelled ROE, right - waste. Milt washed, put on to cook. Cook for half an hour, skimming.
After half an hour add the greens and ginger. Nothing is cut, then it will be easier to remove from the broth.
Add pepper to taste. Proverjaem another half hour. During this time the milk boiled and taking a creamy consistency. I did not seethe a picture of milt. They broke up into small pieces. Retrieved svalivsheesya greens and ginger, stir with a whisk. I'm not whipped, just well mixed. Milt is very easily converted into cream.
Now entered with the soup soy sauce, stir. About lemon anywhere on the Internet I have not read; add the lemon juice - personally my initiative.
Here and ready our, suggestive of timid souls fear, soup. Terrible? No! Terribly useful! While tasty and tender. And yet it is a powerful aphrodisiac!
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