
Tomato sauce
This recipe is probably familiar to many, and maybe someone will read it for the first time and like it. Well when winter can get tomatic own cooking add it to any dish or make it into a simple sauce.


  • Tomato

    10 kg

  • Onion

    1 piece

  • Salt


Wash tomatoes, cut removing all chervotochinkoy. Grind in a meat grinder. Pour into a large pot to boil, when the tomato comes to a boil it will foam, remove it with a slotted spoon. Cook for approximately 20-30 minutes, the tomato sauce is slightly boiled. Pour into banks or bottles, roll up and wrap in something warm (a blanket). If you want you can add salt while cooking, but I don't add salt and spices do not add, that would not score the taste of the tomato.
In winter, open the jar, pour the tomato sauce into a bowl, add salt to taste, add finely chopped onion and add sunflower oil (I add unrefined). You can, and potatoes to water, and pasta, and simply spread on bread.
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