10 years ago I looked in the output transmission Yulia Vysotskaya and there was going to be an omelet. Son immediately said, "mom, let's cook!" Since then, prepared an infinite number of times... and a La carte and family-as pie... of 5-8 eggs, depending on consumers at the moment in the house! A dish from the category "Cooking is all!" This "fried egg&a mp;quot; good hot, right out of the oven, but you can take a portion with you to work, it's a good protein snack. The courage to call our signature dish)))
5 piece
2 handful
2 Tbsp
1 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Separate the yolks from the whites. Galecki can be placed while in the half shells on the crumpled towel so as not tumbled.
Proteins will prevent the high in pot.
Whisk to a froth with two pinches of salt.
A baking dish or parchment, the share of the insurance, as I have abundantly grease with soft butter.
Put the whites into shape.
Make a teaspoon of the base distance by the number of yolks.
Transfer galecki of shells.
First sprinkle a handful now.
Bake for about 15 minutes at 180* or 10 minutes at 200*. It is desirable that the yolks are not quite cooked, this chip dishes!
Transfer to a large platter or right, with the paper placed in the center of the table, if all the terms of their own, without guests. Till hot again, sprinkle handful of cheese...
And chopped herbs, e.g. parsley. The cutting portion like a cake or pie.
Transfer a portion to a separate plate and serve.
Yes, it's very tasty, though maybe not new for someone! I suggest to try, who saw for the first time, You will love it!
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