In most cases our breakfasts monotonous. Each housewife has few dishes, which she alternates from day to day. Sometimes this range is simply boring! And try my omelet?! Unhackneyed and delicious!
100 g
2 piece
150 ml
3 tsp
4 tsp
1 tsp
20 g
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Half the milk with butter, salt, sugar and vanilla sugar to put on the stove and bring to boil
Raw carrots to grate and put it in sweet milk, and stew under a lid on low heat 15 minutes, stirring occasionally
At the end add the semolina (I have semolina from the Mistral), stir to avoid lumps, and remove from heat. Cool slightly weight
Beat the eggs with the remaining milk
And pour this mixture, stir in the carrot mass.
Pour onlynow mass in molds and put in the microwave. I was preparing an omelet for 4 minutes at a power of 750 watts. Depending on the microwave the time may increase or decrease. So I advise to put the omelet for 3 minutes, and then if it gets damp in the middle, add another minute
You can, of course, bake the omelet in the oven or cook on a frying pan, then the eggs may appear crispy crust which, in my opinion, deprive the omelette its bright red charm! Please yourself and your pet a delicious Breakfast!
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