
Gobies in tomato sauce
Some of you should be familiar with this fish that lives in the sea of Azov. Now just the season of harvest and all the markets are inundated with the fish. If you've never seen such a beast, it does not matter, it is perfectly possible to cook canned other small fish. Just the price is very much pleases, and expensive fish to make canned as you do not want. I will try to describe in detail the cooking process. Suggest 2 ways in the oven and under pressure, the second way is certainly better, but if you have no such thing, feel free to cook first. So, let's start.


  • Fish

    5 kg

  • Onion

    1 kg

  • Tomato paste

    700 ml

  • Water

    2 l

  • Bay leaf

    7 piece

  • Black pepper

    1 handful

  • Salt

    10 pinch

  • Sugar

    5 Tbsp

  • Vegetable oil

    500 ml


Here's our bull. Number give approximately, as after it we remove the head, tail, innards, it will be half. So you need to take about 5-6 kg bull to get 7 liter jars of canned food.
After cleaning the bull, we should have a good wash and season with salt and leave for half an hour. In a frying pan with butter fry fish dipped in flour.
Then prepare the sauce. This is done pretty quickly, regular tomato sauce. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Since we have a lot, then take a large kettle, pour back the oil, not more than a glass and fry until soft and onion transparent. Then pour back the water, tomato paste, salt and add sugar to taste. Try! The gravy must be delicious, sweet as you like. Bring to boil, boil five minutes and turn off the heat.
Take the sterilized jars. Attention! If you have a press, then take liter if the oven, then take the little cans of 500 ml. In each jar add a Bay leaf and a few peppercorns.
The sauce to be runny, not thick. Let it cool slightly, not to burst the banks.
On the bottom pour the sauce, then a layer of steers.
Then again, the sauce and again the bulls. But not under the neck, leave a little space. The sauce should be plenty, don't look at what the bulls swim, after extinguishing it will not be as liquid because the flour from the bulls will make it thicker. Due to the large count of sauce, bones well soft.
Then roll cups of sterile caps. I Bank with covers sent for 1 hour at 100C. in the oven and that is enough.
It remains to establish banks in the press and with key zakruti nuts. Set the whole structure in a pan with warm water and generously salt the water. (this will give us a higher boiling point) is Put on the fire and sterilize them 6 hours at a gentle simmer. Sometimes you need to add water to cover jars. Allow to cool directly in the water in which boiled.
For the oven method is a little different. In each jar need to pour a teaspoon of vinegar 9%. Cap remove the rubber and cover but do not roll. Put in the oven 150 C. and simmer for 4 hours.. After putting the gum and roll up. Insulate it to cool down. Stores such canned for a long time. Here at my second year went well-the taste and quality. I think no need to explain the difference with store-bought canned food. I have a press, so prepare so, but my mom has always done in the oven. Bon appetit!
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