Very delicate cheesecakes for those who are on a diet or who should not eat fried.
1 kg
1 cup
1 piece
3.5 Tbsp
0.5 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
I would like to say a few words about my experience of cooking baked cheesecakes. The first few times these pancakes I cooked recipes from the Internet, there was a lot of flour, by what mine turned out like muffins. I cooked on a baking sheet, greased and baking paper, but the cheesecakes looked very presentable and taste good. I recently purchased carpet it is not thinking, but having used it, I was surprised by its magical properties. So, we strongly recommend to buy this Mat. It is universal and reusable, suitable for baking and for meat. Only costs about 150 rubles. First we need cheese. If you have it turned out to be little specks, nothing to worry about. Just wipe the cheese through a sieve. I have a soft cheese, but grains and I mashed it with a fork to get rid of them.
In curd add all the ingredients except the flour, we should be sure to sift through. This is done not only in order to get rid of all foreign objects, but also to sate a flour with oxygen. Mix well.
You can add all that your heart desires: different dried fruits, nuts, and even fruits, in the center of the cheesecake to put a piece of chocolate or a banana. If you are on a diet and add sugar for You is not desirable, of course, You can not do this. To sweeten the sugar-free cheesecakes, you can pour them ready various additives without sugar or add to cottage cheese dried fruits and sweeten your pancakes.
Formed a small ball of curds and a little splosives it. Sides carefully "nailed" Pat. Get the cheesecake. I love the small size cheesecakes. Spread on a baking tray lined with nonstick Mat.
Ship our cheesecakes in the preheated oven to 180 degrees Celsius and bake for about 15 minutes. Get the pan and check every cheesecake at the bottom should be Golden brown crust like they were fried. Turn over the pancakes that have already pedicles to a crisp, as a rule, cheesecakes, located on the sides of the pan. Sent the cheesecake back into the oven for 5 minutes and check again. Don't forget about the already upside-down cheesecakes if they are ready to put on the dish. We perform this operation on all cheesecakes.
Put the cakes on a dish and served cold. I got a whole pan of cheese, 16 pieces of medium size.
Here is so tender and delicious we make cheesecakes! And the good news is that there is not a gram of fat! These pancakes can be called low calorie. My mom (I'm 15 years old, I have a little more) said they were much tastier than the usual grilled cheese. I hope you will enjoy my recipe and you will cook and taste! Enjoy your meal!
Чудовий рецепт, можна добавити трохи менше цукру. А так все дуже смачно. Коврика для випікання не маю, використовувала пергамент. Але це не вплинуло на результат.
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