My favorite Breakfast! Alternative to grilled cheese. In fact, it's the same cottage cheese pancakes, only baked in the oven without adding oil and sugar. What fillings I did! This, in my opinion, the perfect option, and I served them with sour cream and plum jam. Mmm :)
200 g
2 piece
3 Tbsp
2 Tbsp
1 tsp
1 piece
0.5 pack
4 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Put the ingredients in shape. Cheese I like not dry and in foil. Lemon zest RUB on a small grater, three only the top layer, to white skins.
Mix all until smooth. I used crushed in a blender and once there was no time for that and no blender I liked it even more. The consistency resembles thick cream.
Take molds. I have silicone 3,5x7 cm, oil I do not smear. Put in each 1 tbsp dough.
In the middle put about 0.5 tbsp of frozen berries. I did with cranberries, cherries, pitted, raspberries, raisins, etc the photo shows examples of the filling. But I like blueberry! At the end of the recipe photo to be with her. Put slightly less than a tbsp of dough, covering the berries. In the end the mold will be filled somewhere on 2/3. The dough will rise during cooking. Remove the ramekins in the oven (Protvino or on the grill). Bake until Golden, about 20-25 minutes.
Here are the cupcakes we got :) If You want to submit the muffins on their own, without the sour cream and jam, or just prefer sweeter, add in the dough 3 tablespoons sugar, and the finished cupcakes can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
A couple of these muffins for Breakfast with sour cream and jam, or with condensed milk, but with a glass of milk! :)
Here they are in with the blueberry. Airy, porous texture. Delicious! :) On second and even third day, they no less delicious, just put them in the microwave for 20 seconds. Bon appetit!
Очень вкусные. А какие нежные, воздушные! Большую тарелку за раз умяли. Большое спасибо за рецепт!
Ну очень вкусно получилось!.
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