
Mackerel in marinade
Marinade "Escabeche&a mp;quot; / escabeche is an ancient way to preserve perishable products in the era of complete lack of refrigerators thus prolong the storage time of fish, meat, vegetables. In addition it is very tasty, spicy, imparts unique taste marinated in it products. Fish cooked in marinade, served cold and hot, accompanied with vegetables, boiled potatoes.


  • Mackerel

    8 piece

  • Flour

    100 g

  • Vegetable oil

    1 cup

  • Vinegar

    100 ml

  • Dry white wine

    1 cup

  • Onion

    1 piece

  • Carrots

    2 piece

  • Garlic

    1 piece

  • Spices

  • Lemon

    1 piece


For marinating a good breed oily fish: sardine, mackerel, horse mackerel.
Fish roll in flour and fry in butter.
Onion, carrot chopped coarsely, whole sobocki garlic and fry until soft, add spices, wine, vinegar, oil, boil
In a prepared marinade place the fried fish gently heat, leave to cool
To shift the fish with the marinade in the pan, add the lemon and leave for a day for ripening.
Serve the fish with vegetables as a snack.
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