
Celery salt
Salt, which we used to use - quite a controversial product from the point of view of utility. However, this is the most simple flavoring - very hard to refuse. All adherents of a healthy diet in the first place, replace the usual salt in the sea. Because sea salt is a pure organic product; and everything created by nature, absorbed by the body (created by the same nature) with the use of without slagging him with unnecessary chemicals. But besides sea salt, there are other natural substitutes thereof. How to extract and use the natural salt, I suggest you read it.


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To prepare the products. You will need a large bunch celery with leaves, it is necessary to separate and rinse well under cold running water. *The thing is that celery belongs to the plants with the growth absorb a large number of organic salts from the soil. The guru of the raw food diet is used as a variant podsalivaya ingredient, exclusively celery, whether it is the extract of the roots, milled seeds, dried leaves or stems - this seasoning can really set off the taste of the product, while not changing, but only emphasizing his own natural taste. ** I am not the guru of the raw food diet (although I was close to the principles of this diet), so I prefer to add in this spice part sea salt to taste. But even with the added salt, this seasoning is useful, but also very tasty and suitable to a variety of dishes.
Washed the celery, Pat dry with paper towels. Separate leaves from stalks. Petioles are cut into thin slices. Leaves and petioles let dry. The most common is the option to use only the leaves. * I tried both - and with leaves and stalks.
Preheat the oven to 40C. Put celery leaves on the laid parchment baking sheet the free layer, so that the sheets do not overlap each other.
To do the same with the chopped stalks.
Send two baking trays in the oven to dry until complete dehydration (getting rid of moisture). The leaves and stalks should be brittle but not to yellow. ** The leaves will dry up first, the stalks will need much more time. On the Internet mainly there are options for drying at 180C, in my opinion, this temperature deprives the celery the most part of benefits and taste, and he becomes like hay. But this approach to drying of the leaves need only 3-5 minutes. If you catch the time until the leaves lose color - the flavor is still preserved, and possibly even some benefit. * I dried at 40C. For the leaves it took about 40 minutes. The petioles were dried for 2 hours, and was still damp, I didn't have more time and I decided to use them in the sauce. Next time is going to wait until the end, I think you will need about three to four hours. P. S. After this experience, you can seriously think about purchasing a dehydrator :)
After the leaves have dried, remove them from the oven and allow to cool. Same with the stalks. * As I wrote, my stalks are not doshli, but I found and put them to good use). Next, I will specify only the leaves, but with a fully dried stalks need to do the same.
The cooled brittle leaves mixed with salt in a mortar/ with the help of chopper or just crumble the leaves with your hands.
This seasoning used instead of salt ideal for soups, meats, marinades, vegetable juices, egg dishes and salads. Adding a pinch of celery salt in your plate, you will not only enrich the taste of your dishes, but will make it a little healthier. * By the way, celery salt is often used in classic cocktail "Bloody Mary", and for good reason. It's almost a perfect combination, after the traditional, and in my opinion, the best combination of tomato with Basil.
* Of nedouchivshihsya stalks I made a sauce for egg salad. For the sauce - blend the egg yolk, vegetable oil, half a teaspoon of Dijon mustard, a few drops of Worcestershire and the juice of half a lemon. Add celery stalks and beat again. (Including for such sauces may just come in handy harvesting celery salt). The result is such a mayonnaise and celery sauce. For salad - boil eggs, finely chop, add chopped green onions, season with ground black pepper and the prepared sauce. In this embodiment, even as a fatty meal, it will be more useful than traditional Mayo-salads, because it is made of natural ingredients. You are what you eat (with), don't forget about it ;).
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