I represent to your attention very easy to prepare, full of vitamins cocktail that has conquered his taste of me, my family and friends. At any time of the day will put you on your feet and give positive energy. Help yourself to health.
150 g
1 piece
150 g
10 g
150 g
0.3 tsp
2 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Our ingredients are. All of the ingredients except for the chili, take the cold out of the fridge.
In a blender, grind the bananas, syrup, spinach and oat drink (the wife likes, but I prefer almond). Spinach use chopped frozen, slightly thawed, but not completely.
Prepare the lemon juice. This is my juicer :-)
Add the remaining ingredients - lemon juice, water and chili powder. That's all. Very easy to prepare. And how delicious.
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