
Baby puree
Soon begins the warm season, a time of picnics and leisure at sea and the question of nutrition of the kid who does not eat food from our table. On the experience of two toddlers has decided to offer their own versions of workpieces in case of an emergency. Do not judge strictly, I personally, when I was a pioneer I read a lot of information, because originally did not want to feed store-bought canned goods. Maybe someone else will come in handy. Let Your kids grow healthy!


  • Potatoes

    3 piece

  • Carrots

    3 piece

  • Broccoli

    100 g

  • Pumpkin

    100 g

  • Bow white

    1 piece

  • Beets

    1 piece

  • Buckwheat

    3 Tbsp

  • Apple

    5 piece

  • Cherry

    200 g

  • Quince

    2 piece

  • Beef

    200 g

  • Bow white

    1 piece

  • Butter

    20 g


To start with, say, the ingredients for each puree can vary depending on which products are introduced to solid foods and the preferences of your child. And we should also add that all the dishes in which to cook, where you will cook and what to keep, must be sterilized or treated with alcohol. Also clarify why for the future do not puree in a double boiler, because it is still necessary to homogenize the liquid, cook in a minimum amount and then add nothing, and loses temperature, so the steamer had to be sterilized. Let's start with a vegetable puree. For a start, all carefully wash, peel and cut. Leaves in baby water for 3-4 hours, molded water.
Now, not to cook in a large quantity of water and speed up the cooking process, skip everything through the shredder to easier ground, add a little nursery water. Pour vegetable mixture into the pan.
Topped up with water to cover the water, not too runny, boil, you can add. Cook, stirring occasionally.
During the preparation of vegetables, cook cereals, which we chose, the amount of water 1:5. Razvivaem groats and grind them in a blender. Here the vegetables have roasted 30 minutes, add the crushed cereal. Allow to simmer for 5-10 minutes. Grind immersion blender. Homogenized puree poured into sterilized jars and close.
Also comes with the fruit: wash, peel, cut, grind, pour child water, cook 20 min, stirring, homogenize in a blender and banks.
Now the meat, again the meat depends on what you have time to enter. Meat clean from the films.
Cut into small slices no thicker than 1 cm.
Children pour water, cook for 20 min. Drain off the water. Meat cut into cubes, like Olivier. And cook for 1.5 to 2.5 hours. 30 minutes before ready add the onion. Ready to grind the meat grinder. If cooking for 1-2 times, then add the butter.
Then grind in a blender, if necessary adding a little broth. You can give the baby, but we are preparing for the future, therefore, sterilize 30 min. and close it.
Well, now I'm on vacation! The health of Your baby!
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