Aaaaaaaaaa... you will not believe! But today bez of yeast! Baking-quick - 15 minutes mix, in shape and 15 minutes bake! And tasty kaaaaak... You will not believe until you try! Probably, want to ask, why Berlin? and answer: and they stuffed kidneys as Berlin donuts, those, too, inside secrets... Recipe found in a German cooking book with only recipes muffins - chose this and have not withheld, on the contrary...
240 g
1.5 tsp
1 pack
1 piece
130 g
80 ml
260 ml
4 Tbsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Simple, very simple recipe... is simple, fast and easy... but until then, cuuuuuteeeee! It's soft, fluffy and flavorful muffins! Heartily recommend it - you will not regret! Gentleman's set of products... *** stroescu visible couverture and sprinkles... it's like a "reserve" decoration of muffins for those who do not like cinnamon. But more on that below...
Who doesn't like cinnamon???
Dry bulk products - flour, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and baking powder thoroughly. Who is so mean and does not like cinnamon - replace other flavoring, but keep in mind, then you will NOT be Berlin Muffins. Hee hee... that's revenge...
In a bowl beat until light foam egg, enter 90 g of sugar, vegetable oil and milk - mix well (whip).
The dry mixture is put into the egg-butter-milk and mix only until smooth... *** it is not necessary to be zealous - no fanaticism.
Oven warmed to 180°, prepare the molds... open a jar of jam. Ideally, the black currant jam (well, I obojan now, I even the leaves of black currant like the smell...), but was not at home, and in the shop already... well, not like, one word. Used pineapple homemade. And fill the molds as follows: - 1 S. T. of dough in each mold;
- 1 tsp of jam on the dough;
- the remainder of the dough to distribute the forms - the dough should completely cover the jam.
I had a test just of 12 molds - is the calculated quantity of products! The remaining sugar (40 g) and cinnamon (1 tsp), mix and sprinkle with a mixture of muffins.
Bake for about 20-25 minutes. Follow the process on the spot... Oh, on the stove! I did a sample dry splinter... All ready! very tasty!!!
And now those who nevkusno with cinnamon instead of the sugar-cinnamon topping, you can cover the cooled muffins with chocolate icing and sprinkle the top with some thread fancy "flourishes"... or sprinkled with powdered sugar... or one word, think for yourself, if you are urednici...
And I liked those sugar-cinnamon-Kara melinie cracks in maffini... and in the middle, "varenia"... I Think if you use different fillings (jam, chocolate, fruits, etc.) and flavors (cinnamon, vanilla, citrus, etc.) - can be infinite raznoobrazit very good (AND SIMPLE!) recipe muffins!
All - ready! very tasty!!!
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