
Bright, juicy and refreshing smoothie is a must in the heat. Refresh yourself and treat friends and loved ones!!! For the contest "Burnt by the sun"


  • Watermelon

    6 slice

  • Orange

    5 piece

  • Topping pastry

  • Berry

  • Apple

    1 piece

  • Mineral water

    0.5 l


The watermelon through a sieve.
Squeeze 4 oranges. And mix it with watermelon juice.
Add into the mix the juice with carbonated water and mix well.
Decoration: 1) the Production of ice bowls: Slice the apples, oranges, and watermelon. At the bottom of a large bowl to put the slices of watermelon. Put a large bowl in another bowl of smaller size. The gaps between the side walls to put sliced oranges and apples and put a few berries of red currant. To fill in the gap between the walls drinking water. All shake gently to release air bubbles. (This is necessary in order for the ice bowl turned out to not leaky) to Put this design in the freezer for a few hours.
2) the flower from the orange and watermelon: Cut out the circle and petals of orange peel. Watermelon slice cut into small triangles. Collect the flower.
3) Leaves: From frozen orange peels cut out 2 leaves and with a knife cut them veins.
Before serving, spread our ice bowl on a plate. Sprinkle candy sprinkles on the dish. Decorate with flower and leaves of orange. At the bottom of the bowl lay a slice of orange, and in the middle of a red currant. Fill the bowl with a cocktail and enjoy! All a pleasant appetite!!!
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