My husband rarely cooks... but it's when preparing - delicious!!! Everything is "to taste" recipe, only the mind is held :)
800 g
0.5 cup
3 piece
5 piece
1 piece
1 coup
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Lamb washed, filled with water (water of about 2-2,5 liters) and cook. time to skim off the foam, add salt in the middle of cooking.
Cooked (meat was soft after about an hour and a half) - remove meat from broth, let cool slightly, broth cedim
In your favorite casserole fry the onion...
Until soft and slightly Golden brown
Wash rice, Put into the broth
Meat separated from bones
And add to onion in the cauldron
Tomatoes are cleaned from skin and cranked through a meat grinder or grate on a grater
Chesnochek cut into slices, throw into the cauldron
Pour the broth over cooked rice
Seasoned with homemade plum sauce http://www.povarenok .ru/recipes/show/136 41/
Ready!!! Importantly, time! To be honest, I secretly ran into the kitchen and dragged IT out of the cauldron... the Soup looks quite thick, who loves liquid - take less rice. For a more rich, vibrant broth, you can add on the stage 1 meat bone.
Харчо – грузинское первое блюдо, по густоте среднее между супом и рагу. Название переводится с грузинского языка как «говяжий суп», но его готовят с любым мясом – бараниной, курицей, уткой и пр. В его составе обязательно должен присутствовать рис, томаты или ткемали и совсем нет привычного нам картофеля.
Харчо готовят с говядиной.
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