
Harvesting of tomatoes
Well, I decided to put my prescription blanks from pomidoor. I was looking for the ingredients and the name, such is not found. I advise you not to pass this recipe to all lovers of domestic preparations!


  • Tomato

    3 kg

  • Pepper

    1 kg

  • Peppers red hot chilli

    2 piece

  • Water

    1 cup

  • Sugar

    1 cup

  • Vegetable oil

    1 cup

  • Salt

    4 Tbsp

  • Vinegar essence

    1 Tbsp


3 kg of tomato to scroll in a meat grinder.
In the pan the tomatoes, bring to boil and cook over low heat 1 hour, stirring constantly.
Mix 1 tbsp. water 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 4 tbsp salt and 1 tbsp. of acetic acid, bring to the boil.
Pour the filling to the tomatoes and cook for another 15 min.
Peppers (sweet and bitter) mince.
Pepper add to the tomatoes and cook for another 10 min.
In the meantime, put the jars to be sterilized. I sterilize banks in the oven 15-20 min. at 125 deg. cover boil in a saucepan in the usual way.
Well, that's all. Devil put the hot jars, close the lids and wrap it up until cool.
From the specified quantity of products, we got 7 bottles of 0.5 L. This recipe came to me several years ago by accident from a distant Siberian village, they all know it and prepare for it. I'm on such a prescription did not previously know, we always used tomato cooked Cobra with garlic and horseradish, but the Cobra is raw, it is necessary to store in the fridge, and indeed it is long standing, but here everything is preserved perfectly. If you're gonna try the devil's in the cooking process and you find that it is not dosolenny, I advise you not to add more salt, as after cooling, the taste will be different (I myself once caught the bait, and then suffered in the winter of that overdone). Taste the devil came to all our family, so I advise you not to pass by. Bon appetit!
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