
Tomato sauce
Tomato sauce is the base for many sauces. To make it easy, it's very simple, if you use my advice. Actually, this is not a recipe in the truest sense of the word, and its production process, easy to understand and with photos... Read, watch, do.


  • Tomato

    16 kg

  • Water

    0.2 l


Tomatoes (which are tomatoes) my, if there is a tainted place we cut out. Make a cut across the base (about a third) for better drainage. Put in the utensils in which we cook the tomatoes. I have 12 liters cauldron. Pour a glass of water and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally so the bottom tomatoes don't burn. Brought to boiling, removed from the stove and forgotten for a couple of hours.
When cool, you can see that the tomatoes allowed the liquid which is drained through the gap covered dishes. Carry out this operation several times at a random interval of time (the night Express), the main drain, which will long stand out, but without fanaticism. All within 6-12 hours... this is what we should get.
The drained liquid can be used as a real tomato juice. The photo is of the last "drain", and it is bright. Sometimes I can, and so in the refrigerator put a couple of liters to drink in the heat is good and useful. If tomatoes are not your production, it is probably better not to risk it, but that's at Your discretion...
Then use a technique called "one that is" (I like that, rare) and produce the separation of the skins and seeds from the pulp...
Pulp - the cauldron on the stove, bring to a boil, pour into banks and roll. Banks upside down under coat to cool...
Report... I have used 2 buckets (12 liters) of tomato variety "Rio Grande" and "Collective farm harvest". Cooked in two stages with an interval of 2-3 hours, the contents of the first cooking was kept in a 6 liter pot. The result of Solovyinaya, it turned out a little more than 6 gallons of sauce. Bottled on the 3-liter banks, not sterilized, but merely rinsed of dust. Bottled stainless mug. The plate on the next plate, on a plate a jar and pour. ... Ask for the spices? Why? This is the basis for Your future creations, do not spoil it. The main feature here is that hot in the summer to stand at the stove - it is a health must have? And You have prepared a good tomato sauce, saving a bunch of gas on the evaporation... Colder, when we humanity.
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