"The bottle of kefir, half a loaf.. and a Bottle of kefir, half a loaf. And I am at home today..." So, what am I? Ah, I remember! I sit at home, listen to Chaif and at the same time the rain knocking on the window, and realize that so can not continue! It is urgent to raise the mood!!! Let's colour therapy!!! Welcome aboard!
1 piece
200 g
1 piece
1 tsp
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Here it is my smart, beautiful, and assistant - juicer Scarlett. Clean the carrot and pumpkin from skin and cut into medium size pieces. Orange peel from the skin and remove bones if any. Then put in the mouth of a juicer carrots and 5 set the program for extraction of juice from hard fruits. I never thought that so much carrot juice!!! The cake turns out slightly damp (most it to turn it into carrot cake or pancakes) Then turn the APPLE and squeeze the juice out of pumpkins. The cake is moist, the juice is less than in the carrot. The noise from the juicer is not loud - like a child ))) select program and produced CITRUS juice from the orange! From the oranges leaving only the walls, all the pulp is poured into a glass! Great!!!
Add to the juice a spoonful of honey (can be maple syrup). Stir...
... and enjoy the wonderful, tasty, healthy drink and direct feel as to us condescends orange mood-e-e-e! All a pleasant appetite!!!
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