Going to post this recipe of course, I used search. Search returned 64 choices. Half of them, generally kharcho are not, what they just do not. The other half is quite possible. Some even write that their kharcho is a real. What dish is popular, and has long been spread throughout our vast territory, from Murmansk to Vladivostok, with some alterations to suit local conditions-as the Soviet canteen Standards, subject to the whims of restaurant chefs. I do not claim that my soup was called a grub. It is a collective image, which I gathered from his childhood impressions of the Soviet canteen grub (in the best sense), as well as the grub that I was treated to a Georgian mother of one of my friend. In addition, I was able to watch as it is prepared in the Georgian restaurant. So, my option.
1 kg
500 g
1 cup
70 ml
5 tooth
200 ml
3 tsp
1 tsp
1 tsp
1 Tbsp
1 pinch
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
I will try not to indulge in their usual verbiage, and present the recipe briefly and clearly. In General, the broth I cooked in advance, yesterday. Like pieces of meat. It was beef brisket and ribs. You can cook, do some edges, so much the better, from the point of view of submission. The brisket, as you can see, I've separated the meat.
Quite a lot of onions, diced passerby in the pan. Strong frying is not necessary. I believe that onion soup should be well. At the stage when the onion starts to become translucent, add some tomato juice and put it for 10 more minutes without lid. Tomato paste - no, no!!! Juice is there just for color. I have to see that to extinguish the whole tomato is the spirit out into the atmosphere.
While they washed the rice. Very much it is not necessary.
It was time to put the onion in the broth, which I have already returned all the meat.
I like to boil small amount of water in a pan and pour in the pan, that would not lose the Goodies that remain.
Add tkemali. You can make your plums, but you can take and ready, but good. A good mix to try. Added sugar capturing the sweet and sour balance.
The rice I added in the moment when you realize that before the end of cooking left for 10 minutes, not more.
Chopped greens, parsley, and celery just the leaves, and cilantro with stalks. Crushed garlic, sprinkled with salt, chopped, then mixed with grass and again chopped. Let it sit for a couple minutes is all.
Now the rite. Spices: utsho-suneli, aka fenugreek - 3 (three letters)!!! teaspoons. hmeli-suneli - 1 tsp coriander powder - 1 tsp chilli - 1 depot. Well, solko and a little... in the way, waiting a little while will disperse the spices, taste. If you are satisfied, then all...
Plate off throws soup greens with garlic, close the lid. Herbs infusions, and rice come to that.
It took about twenty minutes, and serve.
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