Would it be correct to call them "Brtus& quot; I do not know. Perhaps this is one of the options. Taught to cook this wonderful dish my friend-Armenian Juliet armenovna. A huge thank you to her for that! For many years cook and the family never complains!
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For the cheese filling: cheese grate, ham or finely chop or grate on a coarse grater. Mix with chopped greens.
For cottage cheese filling: curd mash, squeezing a few cloves of garlic, potseluem and mix with chopped greens. You can take 50: 50 curd and cheese or Suluguni. Then you should not add some salt.
Lavash is divided into two parts. On a pita spread the filling and wrap. Wrap - step 1.
We turned to the number of layers on both sides was the same.
Quickly fry on both sides.
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