Really wanted to eat Shawarma, found here you have lots and lots of recipes (although I'm 17, I just started to learn to cook). There is just braised pork, which was tough, but I decided to use that and it is not lost, and the chicken to not buy! In the end, it turned out VERY tasty and filling Shawarma! Parents were very pleased! =)
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First I cut one oval pita bread in half, took one half, rubbed it ketchup-mayonnaise (mix in a bowl pre-ketchup and mayonnaise, preferably in equal proportions). Spread is not worth a lot, but in desire. Then poured finely chopped cooked meat (you can ready minced if you want a softer or if you do not want to engage in a long thread).
Further, it is desirable to add a bit ketchup-mayonnaise on meat. Or put a bit of meat, then ketchup-mayonnaise sauce, then more meat. The main thing is not to overdo it with the sauce, but not too greedy). Then put thinly sliced cucumber and just thinly sliced the cabbage.
Then thinly sliced tomato and red Bulgarian pepper and a little grated cheese, top with a little added ketchup-mayonnaise (even mom and dad added dill).
Spun like a little tighter, but carefully, so that the pita bread fell apart and in the microwave for 1.5 minutes to warm it was!
Didn't expect to be so delicious! Tough pork, which can't eat, dad began stuffing wonderful stuffing! All were very pleased =)
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