
Pumpkin and plum harvesting the
Candied pumpkin cooked in syrup plum, plum pastille and in the remainder, plum, pumpkin syrup, which in color and consistency was like honey. All very tasty, pretty and natural! The recipe for the dryer.


  • Pumpkin

    1 kg

  • Sugar

    1 kg

  • Drain

    2 handful

  • Powdered sugar

    50 g


Plums can take any. They need to be washed and cleaned of seeds.
Make juice in the juicer. Pour into the pan. Sugar is added based on 1 liter of juice - 0.5 kg of sugar. Bring to boil and boil on low heat for 30 minutes.
Wash pumpkin, peel and seeds. Cut into equal circles.
Then cut into random pieces and drop in boiling plum syrup. Cook for 30 minutes.
And meanwhile, let us plum extracts.
The drain itself is sweet, but a little sweet tooth, I add sugar in the pomace that it is not necessary.
Grind in a blender until smooth.
Candy. like candied fruit, I dry in the dryer. As a tray of marshmallows I have, I put in a tray parchment, greased with vegetable oil. Plum mass spread on the parchment and spread in a layer thickness of 4-7 mm ( as advised in the Internet). Most importantly, on the sides and in the middle was the same thickness ( which personally I don't always succeed).
Remember about the candied fruits. Turn off the heat and allow them to cool completely.
Then carefully choose into a clean bowl and leave overnight.
Candy I dry night. Over medium heat in 8 hours I had it ready. Carefully remove the paper. If the parchment is still stuck, then I was taught one way. Carefully hold the parchment with a damp cloth and a few minutes of candy removed easily. And get candy from it did not suffer time-tested. I did 4 layer of marshmallows.
Candy roll tube. Can be cut in half for convenience. Then I wrap candy in parchment. Then you can put them in the bag or glass jar, which is wrapped with parchment and tied with twine. Store in refrigerator or cellar ( on top of the parchment to wear nylon cover). But I've had it for a long time do not lie...
And we're back to candied fruit. Plum syrup bring to a boil and drop in it our candied fruits. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Then put on a sieve with a bowl and allow to completely drain ( 20 minutes).
I also candied the land in the dryer on parchment, greased with vegetable oil. Candied fruit I carefully laid out on the parchment between them was space. Land at medium for 8-10 hours ( depending on size candied fruit). Candied fruit I got 5 trays.
Then remove the peel with parchment and roll in powdered sugar.
Finished candied fruit can be eaten immediately but can be stored in a glass jar, sealed parchments ( for the fridge), or if in the cellar at the top of the parchment to wear nylon cover. Candied fruits make fabulous. Plum in the syrup you can also cook squash candied fruit. Also turns out tasty. And most importantly - nobody will guess that it is a zucchini. Tested!
Here is the candy closer.
Here's a piece... Very tasty..
But the plum, pumpkin syrup turns out like honey. The same Sunny and fragrant, and very tasty... It can bring up to the boil and pour into sterilized jars and roll up. Syrup it turns out stringy...
You have three blanks in one. Pumpkin candied with plum flavor plum candy plum delicious, and pumpkin syrup for the winter. Try it and you!
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