3 piece
100 g
2 piece
0.25 cup
1 piece
1 piece
150 g
1.5 cup
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
The filling.. Finely chop the onion and fry a little. Then add to finely shredded cabbage and carrots rubbed through a grater and fry all together. After 2-3 minutes there minced green onions, salt, pepper, stir until cooked.
Then take 3 of each lavash lubricated with added protein ¼ Cup vegetable oil, a little salt, put on top of each other and cut into eight pieces.
On the wide side, put the stuffing and a little bend at the edges, turn as the rolls. 5 minutes keep these rolls in milk, coat in breadcrumbs. Put on a greased baking sheet and cook in the oven on medium heat until tender.
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