This is the cake for cooks-lazy people like me who prefer simple recipes with spectacular results and stick to proper nutrition. Of course, the "cook" cakes pita no surprise, variations of mass, perhaps there is something similar. I did this cake with all sorts of different ways and eventually settled on this. It's very simple. Pita eliminates the fuss with the dough. The sombre - preparation of dried fruit. I calculate the calorie content of all dishes that are prepared with the help of special programs. 100 g of this cake is about 165 calories, so it can be safely attributed to the category "diet cakes".
2 piece
100 g
100 g
100 g
20 g
120 g
2 piece
180 g
250 g
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Prepare the necessary products. Dried fruits are well washed, pour boiling water for 10-15 minutes, dried, dried apricots and prunes cut. In a large bowl, mix cottage cheese with one egg and sugar (the sugar I don't add quite the sweetness of dried fruit).
Add the raisins, mix well. The resulting mass is divided into two parts.
In one part add the chopped apricots and pumpkin puree (optional, can do without it), stir.
In the second part add the cocoa powder and the chopped prunes, mix well.
In a separate bowl, mix the second egg with yogurt (yogurt) and a pinch of salt. Whipping is not necessary (I'm in the way with a fork). Yogurt use of their own making with no additives.
One sheet of lavash cut (or tear) into pieces of arbitrary shape.
The second sheet to grease with the egg-yogurt mixture (I use a cooking brush, but you can just spoon).
A greased sheet, place in the form of a bowl multivarki (it is better to grease with butter) that the edges hanging. I have a silicone mold for the diameter of the bowl of the slow cooker, I prefer to do it. The form does not lubricated.
Put half of the mixture with the dried apricots.
A few sliced pieces of pita to grease both sides of the egg-yogurt mixture and spread so that the filling was completely closed.
Sprinkle half of the mixture with prunes and cocoa, then close it sliced pieces of pita. Spread the remaining filling alternating the layers. It turns out two layers with dried apricots and two prunes.
The last layer to close the hanging edges of the pita bread, wrapping them up and lubricating the remnants of the egg-yogurt mixture.
That's what happened. It's okay if the pita is a bit broken. I bake in multivarka in the "baking" of 40-50 minutes after signal is removed by using a cake bowl for roasting, turn and bake on other side for another 10-15 minutes. In the oven, should be enough time 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees.
Here's a pie "piping - hot".
Cooled down, the cake a little "high". I cut into pieces already in cooled form.
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