
Apple-quince sauce
Offer sauce recipe quince with Apple (just now is the season for quince). The sauce is thick, taste spicy, sweet and sour. Used for meat (pork, chicken).


  • Quince

    1 kg

  • Apple

    700 g

  • Greens

    1 coup

  • Garlic

    0.5 piece

  • Peppers red hot chilli

    1 piece

  • Salt

    0.5 Tbsp

  • Sugar

    2 Tbsp

  • Vinegar

    2 Tbsp

  • Peppers red hot chilli

    1 tsp

  • Khmeli-suneli

    1 tsp

  • Water

    150 ml


Quince and apples wash, peel (I didn't do my whole skin was beautiful without any flaws), cut out the middle and skip through Mincer or grind in a blender. The resulting mass pour in the pan + water and put on fire. STIR CONSTANTLY!!!!!,so it doesn't stick, because the liquids have almost no. So cook for about an hour on low heat.
Now grind the herbs, garlic and pepper.
After an hour of cooking, add contents of the blender and all remaining ingredients(except vinegar). Mix well and cook , also STIRRING,about another hour. 15-20 minutes before the end with vinegar. Then try the sauce and add,if that is not enough for your taste. If you like more spicy, then add more garlic and pepper, maybe for someone little sugar or salt.
After boiling, the sauce is put into STERILIZOVANNY banks and roll.
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