Long thought to title this recipe, and because I want to share with you several of his secrets that take a long time, then the name got here is fun, and the reason will agree, we have Old New Year on the doorstep!
1700 g
3 Tbsp
6 piece
10 piece
3 piece
3 tooth
2 Tbsp
1 Tbsp
2 Tbsp
1.5 Tbsp
800 ml
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Maybe I will not discover America, but if my tips-secrets useful to you, I'll be immensely happy! So, if you want to bake juicy and delicious chicken, you must meet the following conditions.
I marinated the chicken in two ways, in parallel I will try to tell and show both of you. For a start, ready to cook, put the chicken breast down and top with two hands with force to press to broke the cartilage of the breast, then it will not perform and burn during frying.
To remove a piece of chicken fat, which is located on the inner side of the thigh, if not, you can use lard and beat it.
Lifting the skin on the breast, beneath her fat, which protects the breast from drying out and it will remain juicy. If you want you can put the fat fragrant weed.
Now go to the marinating chicken. Method "dry": you Need the day before cooking, salt the chicken with coarse salt, this will ensure juiciness and flavor of meat. You can surround the chicken herbs - tarragon, Basil, sage or parsley, the choice is yours. To wrapped up the chicken with cling film and place in the refrigerator. The next day to get the chicken out of the fridge 3 hours before cooking and leaving food in the film, let warm up to room temperature.
The second method of "wet": with 800 ml of water, brown sugar, salt 3 tbsp, allspice and black peppercorn and Bay leaf to boil the marinade. Allow to cool and place the chicken. Close and send 24 hours in the refrigerator.
I like both methods of pickling, in both cases, the chicken turns out juicy and delicious, just in the first case, it takes up less space in the fridge. Mix soy sauce, honey, oil and chili pepper (or a pepper).
Chicken if you have it pickled in a marinade, to get, to dry and cover it with the sauce on all sides. Place in the refrigerator for a few hours. Remove from refrigerator an hour before cooking.
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and spread it over the chicken inside. Lemon in a Cup put the garlic and "nafarshirovat" im a chicken, so she soaked the lemon and garlic flavor in the cooking process. Don't know about you, I just can't stand the smell of burnt garlic, and the chicken turns out no ice!
So the chicken we have now left to prepare for the "workplace". Line a baking sheet with foil, shiny side up, it is necessary to ensure that the heat from the top of the helix is reflected and the chicken was cooked evenly top and bottom. Put on a baking sheet bars, through which the heat circulates above and below, the fat drips down and the skin otmokaet from him and juice.
Place the chicken on the grill breast down first and send in heated to 200-210"C oven.
After 25 minutes flip the chicken breast up, obvernuv the tips of wings and legs with foil to not burnt. And bake another 25-30 minutes until Golden brown. If you have a convection oven, it's even better then the time and the baking temperature need to decrease. Be guided by your oven!
I have wearied you with my tips!? But... she using them once, was pleasantly surprised with the end result, and the advice is not difficult, just prepare the chicken for the first time, in the future already and do not want to change anything, believe my experience!
Tasty, juicy and very flavorful!
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