
Pie with prunes in sour cream filling
Delicious and aromatic pie, prepared quickly and easily, with minimal effort. When you eat this pie, just remember the dessert "prunes with nuts in cream sauce". Very tasty!


  • Flour

    240 g

  • Butter

    100 g

  • Water

    6 Tbsp

  • Sour cream

    300 g

  • Sugar

    50 g

  • Prunes

    250 g

  • Vanilla sugar

    1 pack

  • Black tea

    0.5 cup


Prunes soaked in tea for a few hours. If the prunes are very soft, to soak, not necessarily.
Grind butter with flour, add very cold water and knead the dough. Send the dough in the cold for 30 minutes.
While the pastry cools, prepare the filling. Mix sour cream, sugar, flour and vanilla sugar. I whipped the filling with a mixer for several minutes, until the sugar is dissolved. Sour cream is better to take more fat (I have fat 26), then the fill will be thicker. If you wish, You can replace sour cream cottage cheese pasta or soft cheese.
While we were planning the fill time has passed and we can get our chilled dough. Roll out and put into the form (the form I took 21 cm). Pinned the dough with a fork and spread it on the prunes. Carefully pour the plum sour cream the filling and using a spatula even out.
Send the cake in the oven heated to 200 degrees and bake for 40-45 minutes. Pie can be eaten warm or cold.
The cake is ready. That he cut. Cook with pleasure and please your loved ones. :)
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