
Rainbow meringue
Dear cooks, I offer you a festive variant is very tasty and simple to prepare dessert! The site has a lot of meringue recipes, but my own "highlight". Of course, this delicacy is not for frequent use (because of the presence of dyes), but the holidays are not every day, and if you enjoy this sweets occasionally, it will give you only pleasure!


  • Egg white

    52 g

  • Powdered sugar

    104 g

  • Citric acid

  • The food dye

  • Vanilla

    0.5 g


To make the meringue turned out good, it is necessary to observe the proportion: weight of powder 2 times more weight protein. Ingredients better to weigh in the balance. Eggs I first carefully my soda, well dried, because proteins should not get a drop of water. Proteins can be taken chilled (faster then they get whipped) or room temperature (then the mass of meringue will be more stable). Protein whisk until frothy. Start on lowest speed of mixer, gradually increasing to high.
Add citric acid and vanilla and continue whisking on high speed, gradually adding the powder. It is very important, especially in the beginning, add the powder in small portions - 1 teaspoon every 20 or 30 seconds. When there's less than half the dust, intervals can be shortened. After all the powder will be used a lot, beat for another 5 minutes. It should be a very dense, shiny.
Next, take a pastry bag with a nozzle (preferably "open star"), put the bag in a tall glass. The brush for painting (new and washed)drip some food coloring, and conduct a vertical strip inside the bag. They do the same with dyes of other colors. The dye is better to take the gel.
Here's the pouch it turns out))
Meringues press out desired shapes on the baking tray lined with parchment. Parchment is better to take good quality, so the meringue doesn't stick, and even better to use a silicone Mat. At this stage the meringue can insert wooden sticks, children with treats on sticks like. I this time the sticks are not used.
Dry the meringue at 70-90 degrees, time 1.5-2 hours.
And you can enjoy!
Bon appetit and good mood!
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