What do you associate with lunch in the village? A loaf of black bread, chipped Cup, colorful tablecloth and a jug of milk. But you can apply a simple country lunch very stylish and modern. The creative Duo ", the Pair In Z" with pleasure offers to your attention "Rustic lunch in the style of "city".
2 kg
800 g
500 g
3 piece
0.5 cup
2 piece
2 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
To start preparing the broth for our soup. For this we need a good piece of beef 1.5 – 2 kg and chicken breast 800 grams. The beef has been thoroughly rinsed, pour 3-4 liters of water and boil. After boiling, carefully skim off the foam and put on the minimum fire.
The bulbs divide at the waist in half, the carrots into small wedges. Podpisem them on a dry pan to black spots. After boiling, add to the pan with the meat and cook for 1.5 - 2 hours. Then put in a pan chicken breast and cook for another 45 minutes. For half an hour until tender salt to taste.
Take out the meat, strain the broth carefully. If you don't like fatty broth, then let it cool down and remove the top dripping. The soup is strong and rich.
3 beat the eggs with a half Cup of cream, salt to taste and add the nutmeg (optional).
Heat-resistant form grease with oil, pour the egg mixture, carefully cover with foil and place in a water bath. Cook for about 25-30 minutes.
Willingness egg souffle to define very simply - in the middle of the stick the toothpick, it needs to stand upright and not fall over.
It turns out to be "scrambled".
The resulting "omelette" out of form, cool and cut into cubes.
In boiling broth put vegetables. I have a mix of "Spring vegetables" (green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and leeks). Cook for 5-7 minutes. Cubes of egg soufflé and chicken pieces to put directly into the dish before serving.
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