Frankly, the first time I ever cooked chicken gizzards. Seduced my people, who are good in it. Tried the guests - delicious. Bought. And prepared the meat eaters-men here's a hearty, thick and tasty soup.
2 piece
2 piece
1 coup
0.75 cup
1.5 cup
1 kg
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
First wash, clean stomach. We need pre-boil. Put them in a Zepter pot, pour hot boiled water and put on fire. Arrow controller reaches a maximum value on the green scale - remove the pan from the heat. Stomachs "boil" on their own - in a pot in a thermos stored in the temperature. The chilled bellies are thrown back on a colander, cut it into pieces.
Wash and chop any herbs that taste
Stomachs lay on the bottom of the pan, and top with vegetables. Close the pan and heat over medium heat the vegetables about 5-7 minutes
Pour all the hot water but not boiling water and proverjaem to the moment when the arrow of the controller on the lid of the casserole will come to the middle of the scale. Remove the pan from the heat. Soup infused products will prepare further for yourself.
Such a beautiful Zepter cookware helps us to cook delicious and healthy meals, as necessary, subject to the rules of a healthy lifestyle. In a confined space creates a cycle in which the products of evaporation of water deposited on the cold lid of the pan and dripping down the walls. This saves the utility, and the brightness and the natural taste of all the vegetables and meat.
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