Easy, simple, budget vegetable soup. Prepared quickly. Lovers of soups, you here.
2 Tbsp
3 piece
1 piece
1 piece
1 can
1 piece
//= Yii::t('app', 'Total calories: ') . $recipe['ingredients']['total_calories'] ?>
Need a very simple and affordable set of products.
Wash rice, peel the potatoes, cut into, to put all of this in a pot of water and cook.
Onions and carrots chop and fry in hot oil (you can bypass this step and add in a pot without roasting, but in the beginning of cooking)
At the end of cooking add the seaweed, pre-drain her juice, Bay leaf, pepper, boil 1 minute, turn off the heat, cover the saucepan with a towel and let stand.
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